Application Process

Why join us?

After I submit my form what next?

After submitting your application form our team will review your application. Once reviewing your application, one of two things will occur.

Option 1 You will be approved and therefore move onto scheduling an Interview

Option 2 You will not be approved along with a brief summary on why. If the note says you are eligible to resubmit, you may submit a new application whilst meeting the proper criteria mentioned in the note.


Congratulations! Your application has been approved and now the team wants to know who you are. This process is called the interview process which will involve a small team of studio executives who will ask questions pertaining to the following:

Training Course

We understand you may have a strong passion for creativity but may often find yourself questioning where to start. That's why we provide specialized training courses designed to teach you a variety of software's or techniques regarding your creative position.

For example if you are currently a photographer but want to learn graphic design, we can teach you how to use professional programs and give you tips on techniques for production.

The best part is there is NO PERMANENT COMMITMENT to any position! You are free to learn any field you are interested in order to be a well-rounded creative individual. **

** Does NOT denote alternating studio position abruptly